Thursday, 23 March 2017

      Essential Steps for bridging the gap between Millennials & Baby Boomers

In this technology enriched world, we are witnessing a sharp increase of generational gaps in the workplace between baby boomers and millennials. Statistics reveal that by the year 2020, around 45 percent of the working force will consist of millennials and about 25 percent will be baby boomers. That being said, the main reason is attributed to a delayed retirement age of the Baby boomers from their jobs.

As a result of this, people of different generations are collaborating in their organizations which call for a blending of these two generations and all those in between. The results can be a bit hard resulting in some bumps along the road as there is a large difference in their experience, lifestyle and values. If the top management does not pay attention for creating an amicable work environment, it can lead to loss in productivity and profits. 

Here are some ways both millennials and baby boomers can bridge their gap:

Finding Common ground while Communicating

As expected, the tendency of communication is different for both of these generations. Millennials were born in a technology age and are habitual of communicating through social media and online text messaging. However, baby boomers had an opportunity to learn technology later in their lives, as time progressed and the world became more advanced in technology techniques.

So how can we have a common ground when every generation has their own preferences? The answer is simple. There is a need to include a blend of various communication techniques which make use of latest technology and at the same time does not completely abandon previous communication preferences. Therefore, there is a need to create a balance which fuses various communication methods for everyone to be comfortable with.

Both should start off on the same Page

Despite the differences in the styles of both these generations, there is a need to be on a common ground for the betterment of the company. Proper communication is the solution to all the issues. In case of a conflict, keeping them under wraps and not talking it out worsens the situation. The organization goals are above everything else and personal egos should not stand in the way of work productivity.


You might plan the same projects for both of them. However, the way of working on them could be different for each, though the results might be the same. At times, the difference in style of working can cause a ton of friction and misunderstanding within the team members. Baby boomers may prefer long, relentless hours in the office itself while millennials probably would like to work on their portable devices for finishing those deadlines. You should formulate goals which are practical enough for both the groups to be met precisely.

Reverse Monitoring

Skills can be traded off, such as millennial’s expertise in social media or other latest technologies and baby boomer’s seasoned experiences regarding working knowledge of a specific industry. Each generation can learn something from the other. By applying for various mentorship programs, millennials can learn ropes of the trade, make the best use of the baby boomers experiences on the job and innovate ways of developing professional communication/presentation skills.

Over Expectations

There is a tendency of seniors to have high expectations from the juniors. They are quite particular about the way they want to get things done as per their directions. However, in order to maintain a pleasant and amicable working environment, there is a dire need to have expectations within limits for more productivity in the workplace. At the same time, the millennials also need to understand that older generations have much more experience compared to them and a deep learning could be of great benefit to them. Eventually, both generations should mutually respect each other and define their rules clearly.

One Plan will not work for everyone

Creating a management plan which fits every one of your team members is a misnomer. Since your team consists of intergenerational members, it is quite natural that if the plan is over friendly for either the millennial or baby boomers, it can prove to be catastrophic and lead to a decrease in the productivity. It even might lead to ego clashes within the workplace. In such type of situations, customized management plans especially tailor made for each of them will be the best solution so that it works for both the generations. 

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